
I have self-published two novels (Daughter, Disappeared in Nov 2016 and Glasdrum in Apr 2017) and these are some posts about the trials, tribulations and successes of that process:

Judge my books by their covers! Reedsy guest blog (July 2017)

Guest review of Daughter, Disappeared (June 2017)

eBook giveaway – is it worth it? (May 2017)

Writing trepidation (May 2017)

A reality check and a free book! (May 2017)

Book covers: an interview with a designer (April 2017)

Glasdrum: locations and memories (Apr 2017)

Glasdrum: Bones in the garden (Apr 2017)

Glasdrum: The Mist Murderer (Apr 2017)

A pitch of a day (Mar 2017)

How “Write What You Know” Helps You Find a Target Market (Feb 2017) (Guest blog for Reedsy)

An insomniac writes (Jan 2017)

Three weeks post-publication (Nov 2016)

One week post-publication (Nov 2016)

The finances of self-publishing (Oct 2016)

Trouble on the self-publishing journey (Oct 2016)

The story of a novel (July 2016)

A dilemma – to walk or to write (Apr 2016)

A Writer’s Rejection (Feb 2016)

Writing and Blogging (Feb 2016)

Writing (Feb 2016)

      Bespoke book cover art example from coverness.comGLASDRUM: http://amzn.to/2o0dnnI


DAUGHTER, DISAPPEARED: http://amzn.to/2eCnZRf