Book reviews

I gave up many precious book-writing hours a week ago to submit my two published novels to various vetted book review sites. According to Author advice, this is what I should be doing. It was on my To Do list for a long time, and now it’s underway. But it’s left an unpleasant taste in my…

A pitch of a day

I was excited and hopeful to be one of six authors picked to pitch my second novel to a panel of literary agents at the London Book Fair. It started badly. My flight was delayed by three hours (initially due to fog, then a medical emergency that required an ill passenger and his luggage to…

Writer’s Rejection

There are heaps of articles about the pain of literary agent rejection. I identify with many of them: been there, done that. The first traumatic part of the process is the time-consuming business of identifying appropriate agents and preparing the specific submission they want. Agent One wants a 567 word synopsis (single spaced, Ariel 10 point),…